This is a left leaning decrease, used to shape flat pieces of knitting. It is similar to the regular knit stitch, but two sitches are being twisted and knitted from the back. Like k2tog, this stitch will decrease the number of stitches by one stitch.

First, slip two stitches by inserting your right needle tip into the front of the left needle stitch and slipping the stitch off the left needle and on to the right needle. Repeat this one more time.

Insert your left needle into the front of the two stitches you just slipped. Wrap your yarn around the right needle(in the back) counterclockwise as always. Pull your needle tip forward and catch the wrapped yard, just as you would with a regular knit stitch.

Slide the two stitches off the needle completely and pull your yarn snug. This completes the ssk stitch!